Somatic Coaching
What is somatic coaching?
In essence, it’s a holistic experience through the ”soma” (the body in its wholeness) where you learn to reset the parts of the nervous system that are out of alignment, guiding them back into wholeness and providing a reset. This, as a result, can bring deep healing into your entire being. The intention of somatic healing is to bring you back home to yourself.
We’re all walking each other home.
– Ram Dass
Pillars of somatic coaching
Through combined modalities of breathwork, fascia release, body movement and mindfulness meditation we learn to undo ourselves of deeply rooted layers of tension, outdated belief systems and old reactive patterns that no longer serve.
Emotions are essentially energy in motion. Often, the baggage that we carry of past stories, are these old energies that we haven’t properly processed and digested. By allowing these old energies to move, we can learn to expand our capacity to feel through discomfort that is inevitable in any growth process. By undoing ourselves of the old, we essentially become more present, more life force energy becomes available to us and in the space that we create, we can write a new story.
My talent lies in attuning into what it is that you need and bringing the different modalities together to create a trajectory of growth in an open, safe and compassionate space. I will guide you as we embark on your journey through the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual plane.
I am a firm believer that everyone has their own path to follow and I find it important that people embark on a journey of self discovery and therein stay true to and rediscover their autonomy, sense of safety and joy.
The basic idea of breathwork is to release toxins and carbon dioxide on the exhale and the intake of oxygen and nourishment of the body and mind on the inhale.
The breath is essentially a bridge where we can connect to and positively influence our central nervous system. The breath is an incredibly powerful tool in the release of stress, resetting and recalibrating our nervous system and helps to adopt new and healthier patterns for our nervous system.
An example of a breathwork technique is lengthening your exhalations which reduces stress and has a calming and soothing effect while simultaneously instilling safety in the body.
Fascia is the connective tissue that is wrapped around our muscles. The fascia has roughly 250 million nerve endings (Schleip 2020) and is incredibly susceptible and highly intelligent matter.
When we sustain a physical injury or experience an emotionally charged period, the makeup of the fascia can become more rigid. Meaning less blood supply and less nutrition goes through our system. Over time this built up tension can start to negatively impact our nervous system. And so the release from tension of these tissues allow them to return to their natural, healthy state. Resulting in a positive influence on our overall wellbeing and feeling more at ease.
Body movement can range from yoga, shaking, swaying or repetitive movement – all for the purpose of letting energy move, also referred to as conscious movement.
When our nervous system is activated and we go into a state of freeze (numb or withdrawal) or fight (surge or spike of high energy ), conscious movement provides a healthy way to connect to this energy and let it move through or out of the system.
We’re in an era where we learn to understand and work with our emotions. And from the perspective that emotion is energy in motion, movement is a very powerful way to reset our nervous system an adopt healthier mechanisms .
Our senses are literally our sounding board through which we can quiet our mind. By bringing soft focus on our sensory system, we can gradually get acquainted with stillness. And with regular practice we can expand our capacity to be more present.
Through meditation we learn to observe our thoughts without getting caught in the endless thought loops. We learn to create space to respond instead of react.
I’d love to get to know you
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